Betting Against the Odds Read online

  Table of Contents

  Ch.1 The Results (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 2: Gamble (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 3: Krabby Patty Time (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 4: Have a Drink with Celebrity/Race a Car (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 5: Watch Ball Drop in Time’s Square (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 6 Stand under Hollywood Sign (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 7: Get a tattoo (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 8: Send a Message in a Bottle (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 9: Write My Name in Wet Cement (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 10: Pull a Fire Alarm in Crowded Place (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 11: Mardi Gras in New Orleans (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 12: Carve Name in Tree(Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 13: Train an Owl like in Harry Potter and Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 14: Scuba Diving and Zip Lining (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 15: Find P.Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 16: Throw a Drink at Someone (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 17: Buy Out a Concert and Smash a Guitar (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 18: Go to Vegas get plastered, married, and then divorced (Matt’s and Penelope’s POV)

  Penelope’s POV:

  Matt’s POV

  Ch. 19: Decisions (Penelope’s POV)

  Ch. 20: Surgery (Matt’s POV)

  Ch. 21: Where am I? (Penelope’s and Matt’s POV)

  Penelope’s POV:

  Matt’s POV:

  Penelope’s POV:

  Matt’s POV:

  Ch. 22: Epilogue (5 Month’s Later)

  Ch.1 The Results (Penelope’s POV)

  "It's progressing at a rapid rate," the voice says but I am hardly paying attention to what he is saying. Nope heard it before but I wonder if he knows his nose hair is so long that it is tangling with his mustache.

  "The only thing left to try is a surgery..." His words drift off again as I watch his mustache pull his nose hair it is weirdly fascinating and gross at the same time.

  "Penelope" I hear my name and my eyes meet the doctors, “Are you even listening Penelope I need to know your answer about the surgery"

  I take a breath trying to clear my head enough to answer him, “How long do I have to decide?"

  "You have about a year or less left Penelope," his hesitation is palpable.

  I nod my head solemnly I am not that surprised about the results I knew it was progressing even though I have tried everything to stop it.

  But surgery is the last card the wild card in my deck and it’s dangerous, "What's the survival rate for the surgery Doc?"

  This time he doesn't answer it fast instead his eyes glance down to his hands like he is trying to calm himself. I know this because he has been my doctor for three years he is the closest thing I have as family which is pretty damn sad if I say so myself.

  I reach over the table to grab his hands, "Doc just tells me."

  He sighs letting go of my hand to scratch his beard, “The progression of your tumor makes the surgery harder the surgery has only a 5% survival rate it is our last option if we don't do it you will not make it past a year," his voice drops at the end.

  I sigh, “So either way I can die but it's still a gamble on how many days I can bag," I know I sound nonchalant about my death but it is only because I have had three years to prepare sort of. What I didn't expect to feel was bitterness I mean I am 18 and I have done nothing in my life I haven't even had sex and I am not dying a virgin I mean come on how much of a loser can I be.

  That's when the light bulb above my head turned on. I gave Doc a huge smile, “I will tell you my answer in 6 months that's gives me a half a year to live fully."

  He gave me a rueful look but laughed, “Okay then I will call to check on you but I will officially see you for your answer in six months that is May"

  I gave him a nod leaving the room in a rush I have to make a list of what i want to do and I need to make it now.


  Okay so let me back up a little so I can give you some back up information. My name is Penelope Davis I am 18 years old I have boring long brown hair but I do have some killer eyes they are a smoked gray. Hmm let's see oh did I mention I was plus-size and no, not plus size like those models who wear a size 10.

  I am a size 16 sometimes 18 depending on the mood of my thighs I am curvy it never bothered me much. I mean sure high school sucked people calling me names like "Penelope the pig" but I am in college now NYU and believe me people are a lot more mature there. Well most people but there are still some idiots.

  Okay so my parents are rich like stuck up nose debutante rich and my mother doesn't approve of my looks of course being a size 2 herself. My father well he is too busy cheating on my mother to deal with me so when I got sick for the first time they didn't even notice.

  I was 15 years old when I woke up with a sharp constant pain in my head and the back of my eyes of course my parents ignored it instead throwing aspirin my way. It continued for a week when my house keeper Mrs. Rose packed me up herself and drove me to the nearest hospital.

  They did a lot of tests: blood test, X-ray, and even an MRI. To say I was scared was an understatement I was pissing my pants when the doctor finally came in to talk to me. It took a good amount of time because I had to call my parents who were pissed at me because I ruined their day like wtf.

  Anyways the doctor told us or more like me that I have a brain tumor called Glibatoma and it was a grade IV which basically means the tumor was all diffused and over the place making it more aggressive.

  The doctor told me usually radiation and chemo can stop the progression of the tumor drastically so my parents signed the papers to treat me saying they had to leave back to work. Mrs. Rose stayed with me as I made appointments with the doctor to start chemo and radiation therapy and it did slow it down until now.

  So now back to where I am now currently trudging the streets of New York trying to figure out why I should do. That's when I see it. It was a worn out building with a leprechaun drinking a beer on it; it was called "Collin's Pub" not very creative but still something was drawing me towards the building.

  Which is ridiculous I mean I am only 18 and I never actual drank before but I am dying so why the hell not and my friend Jason did give me a fake id.

  I threw my shoulders back and made myself stand up straight as I opened the door of the pub. I was instantly surrounded by noise and he smell of beer.

  I smile heading towards the bar sitting down as an older man came towards me he looked about 25 or 26 black hair and dark blue eyes and a knowing smile.

  He put his hands on the table looking at me, “So what can I get you to drink" his voice was smooth and kind of arrogant. Hmm don't know why I thought that.

  I glanced at him. “A bud light beer please."

  He grumbled something and went to the other side of the bar as I got out my paper and pen making my list. I was about done when my beer was slammed on the table by the arrogant man I pulled my notebook away giving him a dirty look which he promptly ignored walking away.

  "Don't worry about him he has a stick up his puny ass," a deep voice behind me growled out.

  I turned into my seat my mouth dropping open as I looked at a man who could give the Greek Gods a run for their money when it comes to looks. He was tall about 6'5, toned obviously, perfect tanned skin not artificial (you can tell), long black hair above his shoulders that could be cut a little but worked for him, and piercing ice blue eyes that were now staring at me in amusement.

  I shut my mouth wiping it to make sure I had no drool. He stood there watching me intently as he looked me over. I couldn't help but move my hands to cover my protruding
tummy I'm not like insecure but when a hot guy like him is goggling me I can't help but feel a little inferior. You know what I mean?

  He looked me in the eye again but instead of speaking he plucked my note book out of my hand reading what I just wrote. I was about to protest when he smiled and holy cow I swear my panties about ripped themselves off.

  I was watching him as he grabbed my pen filling up two more spots handing it back to me with a wink.

  I read the list over:

  Penelope's Bucket List

  1. Watch ball drop in Times Square

  2. Have a drink with celebrity

  3. Go to Vegas get plastered, married, ad hen divorced (yay I know I watch too many movies)

  4. Smash a guitar

  5. Get tattoo

  6. Send a message in a bottle

  7. Pull a fire alarm in crowded place

  8. Carve name in tree

  9. Celebrate St. Patrick's day in Ireland

  10. Race a car

  11. Gamble

  12. Stand under Hollywood sign

  13. Eat a real Krabby Patty

  14. Scuba diving

  15. Write in wet cement

  16. Fall in love

  17. Train an owl like Harry potter

  18. Throw a drink at someone

  19. Go zip lining

  20. Find P.Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney (Nemo :) )

  21. Buy out a concert (his idea)

  22. Mardi Gras in New Orleans (his idea)

  I laughed out loud looking at his two but automatically agreeing with him but I wasn't going to let him know that instead I gave him an eye roll and a whole bunch of sarcasm.

  "Excuse me ass did I give you permission to take my stuff and put nonsense on it," I put my hand on my hip glancing up at his dumbstruck face wanting to laugh at him.

  He started to talk but I just held my hand up to stop him, “Never mind forget it you can just buy me another beer from that arrogant prick and we can call if even. Deal?"

  I stuck out my hand as he smiled grabbing it firmly and shaking it pulling me towards him placing his mouth right by my ear, "Deal darling."

  He had a big ass smirk on his fax as he jumped the bar grabbing me another beer. Oh shit what is he doing he is going to get in trouble. I was going to get his attention when the bartender came back but instead of yelling at mystery dude he just gave him a glare and that's when I noticed that the looked alike except for the eyes.

  He gave his brother a smirk walking towards me placing my bee down.

  I couldn't help but sneer at him, “dude you could have told me you knew him god I feel so dumb now."

  He gave me a laugh shaking his head at me,"Naw it was nice watching you bad mouth my brother my name is Matt Collins by the way."

  I shook his hand, “Wait Collins so you like own this place?"

  I know stupid question but hey whatever,"Yea my brother and I own it. It's been in our family a long time."

  I smiled, “That is awesome."

  He waved my comment away holding me captive with his eyes, "So what is your name love?"

  I blushed, “My name is Penelope Davis."

  He smiled, “Well Penelope I don't know why you are making a bucket list but how about I help you cross one off now?"

  I have him a look and then glanced at my list which one is heralding about?

  "Which one?" I questioned.

  He just gave me a smile pulling out a deck of cards, “How about a game of poker first person to win three hands wins the bet."

  I looked over at the cards trying not to grin I was a pro at poker because I my nonexistent love life and only one friend I took up playing online poker.

  "Okay deal so what is the bet?" I asked.

  He smiled scratching his stubble on his cheek slowly as I memorized the strokes of his fingers, “How about if I win you have to tell Seamus my brother that he is an ugly asshole who needs to get the stick out of his ass."

  I watched him smirk as my face paled. “I can't do that he will kick me out."

  He leaned over the table closer to me, "Technically love I can kick you out now for being underage," my face flushed as he continued, “I mean your about what 18 years old?"

  I glared at him fine he wants to play hard ball so do I, “Fine but if I win you have to help me complete my whole bucket list in 6 months"

  I can't believe I said it but it was the feeling of certainty I felt after I said that confused me it’s like I wanted no needed this stranger to help me wtf am I thinking? I am blaming the tumor.

  He agreed we shook hands as he led me to a table shuffling the cards. Next thing I knew I was playing poker with an hot ass stranger in an Irish pub crossing off gambling from my list: because I have a feeling this will be the biggest gamble of my life

  Ch. 2: Gamble (Matt’s POV)

  I don’t know what I was thinking all I knew is that the girl in front of me was beautiful. How cheesy does that fuckin’ sound? I gave her a small smile well shuffling the cards before passing them out.

  I don’t know what the hell this girl is doing here or why she is carrying a bucket list that she wants to complete in six months but I find her intriguing like a breath of fresh air. I looked her over once more she had long straight brown hair, a nice nose, full lips, and these killer smoky gray eyes. She was wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt but it fit her nicely clinging to her curves. She looked to be like a size 16 maybe which was nice to see.

  I felt the burning in the back of my head and I knew that my older brother was glaring at me. Seamus is 26 years old and he is what I consider the golden child of the family. He is married to Nicole who works the books for the bar and my mother and father absolutely adore her. My father has not spoken to me for about 3 months because of a gambling incident that I was involved with that led to some minor problems but nothing serious. My mother wants me to settle down find a nice girl to be with instead of the “hoochies” I spend time with according to her.

  I stifled a laugh thinking of my mama calling these girls “hoochies” I looked back at Penelope and smiled my mama would like her.

  She looked up at me her eyes widening a little, “Why are you smiling like that? You better not be thinking of cheating”.

  I started busting up laughing as she narrowed her eyes, “Love, I don’t have to cheat I could kick your ass with my eyes closed.”

  She growled nice and low so I couldn’t hear her but I was having too much fun just watching her facial gestures.

  I was passing out the cards when I saw my brother making his way towards us. Damn he just can’t leave me alone.

  “Brother,” my back automatically straightened at the sound of his voice, “What the hell are you doing?” he glanced down at the table the cards already passed out then back at me, “Gambling…Dad told you no more that if you gamble again you will no longer be a part of this family. Cut off.”

  He smiled a little while my face grew hot I was about to give him some very nice words when Penelope spoke up.

  “I didn’t mean to cause any problems for Matt,” Seamus and I both looked at her as she cleared her throat staring my brother down well she continued, “But we aren’t gambling it is more of a fun game between two complete strangers who just happen to be in need of a fun game to waste some time,” Seamus glared at her but she just continued her cute little rambling, “I mean it isn’t really gambling because we are not playing for money so see there is no reason to be mad or to tell your dad.”

  Seamus continued to glare at her as he spoke up nearly growling at her, “Our dad told him no gambling period it doesn’t matter what you say little girl so why don’t you mind your own business.”

  Her mouth popped open for a second as I got up to confront him, “Seamus leaves her the fuck alone.”

  He laughed at me, “Or what little brother?”

  I was about to answer when Penelope stood up also placing her hands on my chest pushing me back a little I gave her a glare but she just shook her head no
and held her head high meeting y brothers eyes with a smile, “Well then Seamus was it?” she didn’t wait for confirmation, “I will be absolutely be thrilled to explain to your dad how I coerced Matt to play a game with me. I mean I am a paying customer you would think you would be friendlier towards me but I am sure your dad wouldn’t be to put off with your attitude towards a customer let alone a young woman.”

  She shrugged her shoulders as I looked at her my mouth hanging wide open. Damn this girl had major balls. I looked towards Seamus as he turned three different shades of red.

  “Well then I will leave you two to play your…game,” he spit out as he made his way back to the bar.

  I gave her a slow clap well grinning at her she just gave me a small smile sitting back down. She was quiet and I couldn’t stand it, “I am sorry about Seamus he has a major stick up his ass.”

  She looked at me smiling, “I would be an ass too if my parents named me Seamus.”

  My eyes widened as I took her in and I couldn’t help it I started laughing and she joined in too. We were both trying to catch our breaths when the bar door opened and two people came inside.

  “Matt are you actually laughing,” I heard her say.

  I got up hugging her, “Hey Anna you look great,” she smiled as I gave Luke a head nod, “What’s up Luke? Did Anna turn you down again?”

  He smiled pulling her into his side, “Naw that’s why we came here she finally said yes it only took her three fuckin’ months.”

  I gave him a laugh and looked down to Penelope who was looking at Luke in a very animalistic way which in turn made me angry. Anna must have noticed the scene because she sat down next to Penelope smiling at her.

  “Hey my name is Anna and this is my fiancé Lucas. We are friends of Matt and who are you?” she asked.

  Penelope blushed a little meeting Anna’s eyes, “My name is Penelope I just met Matt” she looked at me and smiled glancing back at Luke then back at Anna, “I am sorry for eye raping your fiancé I am just not used to seeing two smoking hot guys in one place unless I am dreaming or in Vegas at a strip club or something,” her face turned red but Anna just grabbed her hands.

  “Oh I like you Penelope and you have no need to apologize when I first saw Matt I was about to dump Lucas and jump Matt’s bones,” she laughed as Luke glared at her sitting down in between the two women.